The outcome is usually the same when a large commercial truck crashes into a much smaller consumer motor vehicle. Those in the smaller transport will likely suffer severe, life-threatening, and potentially fatal injuries. Cutting-edge technology has come a long way in...
Truck Accident
4 factors that impact your car insurance rates
Car insurance in California is expensive. Reasons for high rates in California include the amount of heavily trafficked roadways, high costs of repairs and regular severe weather conditions, such as wildfires, floods and earthquakes. If you are looking for ways to...
What happens if you collide with a driverless car?
Now that the State of California has approved a pilot program for driverless cars that will transport riders, you may have some big questions. You might wonder, although the program originated in the Bay Area when these vehicles will end up around Los Angeles as well?...
What makes truck accidents so dangerous?
Trusted Representation For Serious And Catastrophic Injuries Sharing the road with a big semi-truck can be a nuisance. They accelerate slowly and they usually don’t drive as fast as you’d like. If you’re in a hurry to get to a big meeting, it can be tempting to swerve...
Semi truck crashes stem from a host of factors
Crashes and collisions involving semi trucks often result in those involved suffering serious and even fatal injuries. If you or a loved one was injured or killed in a traffic accident involving a large commercial truck, you may choose to take legal action. To prove...
Ticking time bomb: sleep-deprived truckers
A port truck driver had put in 45 hours on the clock over just three days when he ran over a woman crossing the street. Another port driver who admitted often breaking fatigue laws ran into stopped traffic at 55 miles per hour with devastating results, injuring seven...