Trusted Representation For Serious And Catastrophic Injuries Going to a movie theater is a great activity for people of all ages, making it possible for the highest quality movies to be displayed on the big screen. While the vast majority of people will be satisfied...
Spencer & Associates
How to protect your child from dog bites
Trusted Representation For Serious And Catastrophic Injuries Even if your family does not own pets, your child is going to need to be able to safely interact with animals. It is likely that they will visit the homes of friends who own pets, and they will also interact...
Don’t hesitate to seek treatment for a concussion
Trusted Representation For Serious And Catastrophic Injuries A concussion is a serious brain injury that is typically caused by a blow to the head, such as in a motor vehicle or slip-and-fall accident. While some people experience immediate symptoms, others don't...
How can I prove distracted driving?
Trusted Representation For Serious And Catastrophic Injuries If you are injured in an auto accident and plan to seek damages for your physical injuries and financial losses, it’s essential to determine fault. If you have reason to believe that distracted driving...
Can I still file a slip-and-fall claim if I was intoxicated?
Whenever you are a patron at a restaurant, bar or club in California, the premises owner has certain responsibilities to keep you safe. This means that they must do whatever is reasonably in their power to provide a safe space that is free of hazards. If their venue...
Truck design issues contribute to crash risk for drivers
Many factors can increase the risk for being involved in a collision. The weather is one common factor that can drastically increase this risk. Low visibility due to fog or slick, wet roads can create dangerous road conditions. Additionally, driver error is often a...
4 things you must know about brain injuries
A loved one survives a serious car accident, but he or she suffers a brain injury in the process. It leads to months of hospital visits and treatments. The costs become astronomical. The process feels exceedingly slow. Even as healing happens, you realize that the...
Pedestrian-vehicle accidents happen for many reasons
There are many causes of pedestrian-vehicle accidents, which makes it difficult to protect yourself at all times. Even so, understanding the most common causes goes a long way in keeping you out of harm's way. Drivers don't always take extra caution when operating a...
Drowsy driving is a top cause of motor vehicle accidents
Regardless of the time of day or where you're driving, you could find yourself drowsy and wondering if you should pull your vehicle to the side of the road. Just the same, there's always a chance that another driver may not be fully alert. Drowsy driving is a top...
Yes, property owners are responsible for keeping visitors safe
If you slip and fall, you may be interested in filing a claim against the owner of the property. You will need to make sure that you have information on the situation that led to your fall, and you'll have to show that the owner or possessor of the property did not...