Whenever you are a patron at a restaurant, bar or club in California, the premises owner has certain responsibilities to keep you safe. This means that they must do whatever is reasonably in their power to provide a safe space that is free of hazards. If their venue...
Slip-And-Fall Accident
Yes, property owners are responsible for keeping visitors safe
If you slip and fall, you may be interested in filing a claim against the owner of the property. You will need to make sure that you have information on the situation that led to your fall, and you'll have to show that the owner or possessor of the property did not...
Learn how to avoid injury when falling
If you’ve been watching the World Cup this month, you may have marveled at the soccer players’ agility and footwork. You might have been stunned by their incredible endurance and control. And you’ve probably wondered at how they’re able to endure brutal-looking...
Helping a loved one avoid a slip-and-fall injury
Falls are more common and more serious than you think. One out of five falling accidents results in a broken bone. Falls kill almost as many Americans each year as motor vehicles and firearms. The elderly are especially at risk of falling, and more prone to serious or...