California's statute of limitations for filing a legal action to recover from injuries or harm incurred through a dog attack is two years from the time of the occurrence. Whether a wound requires a few stitches or hospitalization, a dog's owner is responsible for...
dog bites
How to protect your child from dog bites
Trusted Representation For Serious And Catastrophic Injuries Even if your family does not own pets, your child is going to need to be able to safely interact with animals. It is likely that they will visit the homes of friends who own pets, and they will also interact...
Five tips for avoiding dog bites
If you go out for a stroll in Southern California, the odds are good that you’ll meet a dog or two. Though you may be tempted to greet these canines that cross your path, you should remember that not every dog is as happy to see you. The unfortunately reality is that...
Why do dogs bite during the holidays?
The holidays are meant to be a joyous season, but the stress that comes with family gatherings, gift buying, food prep and other festive activities can sometimes bring out the worst in us. That includes our dogs. For those who don’t have dogs or who are encountering a...
Don’t dismiss a bite from a little dog as no big deal
A lot of people have a somewhat justifiable fear of large dogs -- after all, they have jaws that are capable of tearing flesh and crushing bone. However, a bite from a small dog can be just as serious -- although many people don't realize it and may even brush off a...
Beware of these dog bite defenses in Los Angeles County
In Los Angeles, dog bites are a serious legal matter. Even if a dog has never bitten anyone before, an owner may face charges after a dog bite altercation. If you recently experienced a dog bite, be sure that you understand the defenses the owner may use to dismiss...
Dog owners can take steps to prevent bites
When you think of dogs, you probably think of a sweet, loyal pet. Dogs are treated like members of the family. They bring us comfort and joy. Dogs are entertaining and energetic. Dogs offer guidance and support when properly trained. When dogs feel threatened or are...
Can you avoid a bite when a dog charges?
You're out for an evening jog when you notice a dog that's off its leash. You're already too close, and it's exhibiting signs that it may bite. It's standing stiffly, for example, and growling softly in your direction. What can you do? Is it still possible to avoid a...
Who is responsible when a dog bites?
Every dog his its day, and there are more dogs out in summer along with their owners, walkers and trainers. It may feel like the streets of Los Angeles have completely gone to the dogs. And a bite victim may feel sick as a dog if he doesn't know who is liable if a dog...
More dog bites likely in summer
Lazy days spent at the lake, cool nights spent camping and lots of picnics and barbecues are wonderful experiences to enjoy during the summer. Then there's the heat, packed attractions and bugs -- experiences that aren't so wonderful during the summer. For some...