One of the biggest mistakes that many people make after a personal injury case is turning to social media to vent about their situation. Anything that you post on social media is accessible to use in your case.
When you experience a personal injury of any kind, be careful about your social media activity to protect your legal interests.
Deleting posts is not always the answer
When you accidentally post something that may reflect poorly, your first thought might be to delete it. Unfortunately, this may qualify as obstruction or tampering with evidence. Not only that, but shared copies and screenshotted posts do not disappear when you delete the original post.
Locking down your profile can help
You can mitigate the effect of some social media activity by securing your profile. Set your social media accounts to keep posts secure from anyone you are not friends with. Then, sort through your friend lists and followers, eliminate anyone you are uncomfortable with, and avoid adding any friends that you do not specifically know to keep your posts secure.
Setting post tags on approval is important
A friend or family member tagging you in a post can bring visibility that, without context, may pose problems for your case. Set your social media accounts so that you must approve any post tags to keep your profile more secure.
Social media accounts can provide valuable evidence and information that may pose problems in your personal injury case. Follow us on Facebook to get the latest news and updates from Spencer and Associates.